Intro Post

A running blog, Shae? Really? Is it 2005? Are blogs back in style? I know, I know. But I want a nice place to store my race reports because I enjoy writing them and processing experiences. I also know that when I sign up for a race all I want to do is read a thousand race reports and see what others have gone through, so I want to give back what I’ve put in. I’ve posted some on other platforms like reddit and bibbz, but I like the idea of collecting them all in one place.

My running history is relatively new and I can briefly summarize my fitness background. In my 20s, I was morbidly obese weighing 250lbs at 5’5”. I went to a roller derby game with a friend in 2011 and fell in love with the sport. I decided I wanted to play roller derby, so I lost 75lbs, played derby for about 5 years before I got totally burnt out on the sport. I went through an injury and gained back some weight, lost more weight (I’ve been sitting at 150lbs for the last few years), and started distance skating.

During my derby years I did a few 5ks here and there (obstacle course races and a few other themed events) and then heard that running would be a great endurance enhancer for derby, so I started running on the treadmill once a week and keeping track of my mileage in 2017. In late May of 2017 I met my significant otter and he introduced me to trail running and the world of ultra and I haven’t looked back since.

Running may be a short phase of my life, but I really hope I can keep this as a lifelong passion. No matter what happens, I am currently enjoying every moment that I get to play in the woods

Gate2Gate Trail Run 25k Race Report